Year in Review: Blessings I Am Grateful For in 2020
This year 2020 is a strange one. The pandemic has significantly disrupted the way we live. Nonetheless, life must go on and the only way is to move forward. To do so, I practiced focusing on what I can control and then counted my blessings. Looking back (on the brighter side), I have a lot of things I’ve got to be grateful for:
These drove me and helped me to steer my life. With them, I was able to think about the Things I’ve Learned and Realised for Setting Goals for the Whole Year. Further, what I’ve listed and accomplished from my list is what I am thankful for this year.

I finished reading 26 books this year and I’ve had so much fun! It felt like I’ve lived different lives and experienced their worlds. Somehow it helped me to escape the harsh reality of what the pandemic has brought. Even though there’s so much going on (or nothing really), I still felt like I’ve accomplished something by just reading a book.

It was devastating to cancel plans because of the lockdowns. It felt like forever. But fortunately, it’s over now (hopefully we’ll never go through it again). Glad to see new places with family and friends.

I’ve had four camping this year and they were all memorable in their own ways. First was before lockdown (almost cancelled). Next two was after lockdown. Then, the third was after another lockdown (it rained a lot). Nevertheless, I still had fun.

Food is life and dining out is so much better when family or friends eat with you. This year I was still lucky to have spent time socialising while sharing the joy of digesting delectable meals in a covid-safe environment.

Memorise lyrics
I love music and sometimes I love to sing along (even though I’m out of tune!). It feels good when a song is playing and I know the lyrics.

Graduate 👨🏻🎓
I’m thankful that I already finished my course. I’ve learned a lot and that was another experience. It was awesome overall. With it, I can use this as a leverage for a better future. I’m grateful for the privilege to study in one of the top universities in the world.
English Exam
It was my second PTE. My overall score is higher than my previous one and I’m glad about it. I’ve just practiced for a few days with this exam but I think I’ve been studying the English language my whole life. Anyways, I’m grateful that I got the scores I need.
Gadgets and Subscriptions
Thankful for the products and services that make my everyday life better. Oh technology! I love it when they’re working as expected 🙂

Online Events
Can’t stop us from talking and reaching out. On the good side of restrictions, it pushed people (including me) to adapt online meetings. Yay, we’ve gained confidence showing our faces to the camera during video chats!

Offline Events
Gatherings before and after the lockdowns. Celebrate life. Party continues!

Most thankful for
Family and Friends
I’m grateful for these people which make my life colourful and beautiful.
Health is wealth and I’m grateful that me and my family are all safe and healthy.
I’m fortunate for the work opportunities that came. They enabled me to buy the things I like. I’ve got to experience and learn new things. Moreover, my comfort zone has expanded so I’m more comfortable doing stuffs I’ve never thought I can do before. I’m grateful for whatever’s keeping me busy and at the same time lets me earn more money. Also grateful for the people who trust me with work.
I’m grateful for all of the money that came and stayed to me and my family. With it, we’re able to afford the goods and services we need and want.
In my twenty-eight birthday, I was able to finally tell what’s what and it certainly has removed a big pressure on me. I can say it’s one of the biggest and most important decision I’ve made in my life. I’m grateful for my courage and for the people who stayed the same no matter what.

This year-end reflection makes me feel glad and blessed. Despite of all the scary things that happened, I’m still alive and well. I survived. Moreover, my family and friends are always there loving me unconditionally and supporting me with my decisions in life. I’m also thankful for the people who have helped me through things. I’ve gone this far because of them. xoxo
P.S. The best is yet to come.